If you are a GPCA member within Region 3,4,or 6 and are interested in becoming a more active part of GPCA as a Region Director, OR if you know someone else in these Regions who is a GPCA member and would be a good candidate for this role, please complete the form by clicking the button below. Deadline to submit Nomination: 10/11/2024
Ian Williams, entomologist at Rollins, Inc., is conducting a survey around how Pest Management Professionals (PMPs) are cleaning out low pressure sprayers and what they do with the rinsate.
Please take this 5-minute survey to share how you and your company deal with cleaning your sprayers. The results will be used to create an educational presentation available for all PMPs to utilize for in-house training.
This survey is conducted as part of a Master's degree Ian is pursuing at the University of Florida.