Becoming A Registered Technician

CEU Requirements by Category


1. Ten (10) hours of classroom training approved by the Commission and presented by a currently certified operator or other person whom the Commission has determined to be competent to deliver training in the following areas:

(i) State and Federal laws and regulations.

(ii) How to read and interpret a pesticide label.

(iii) Handling of emergencies and spills, including signs and symptoms of common types of pesticide poisoning, emergency practical treatment for pesticide exposure, how to obtain emergency medical care and decontamination procedures.

(iv) Proper methods of storing, mixing, loading, transporting, handling, applying and disposing of pesticides.

(v) Safety and health issues including proper use of personal protective equipment, hazards posed by the toxicity and exposure of pesticides, including acute and delayed reactions and routes of exposure.

(vi) Potential adverse effects caused by various climatic or environmental conditions such as drift, run off, and groundwater contamination.

2. Seventy (70) hours of on the job experience under the constant personal supervision of a currently certified operator or a currently registered employee in the category(ies) in which registration is sought, or another person whom the Commission has approved as competent to supervise such experience.

3. Documentation of applicant’s training and on the job experience by category. Such documentation shall be on a form prescribed by the Commission and such form shall be executed by the certified operators, registered employees or other persons providing such training and experience.

4. A score of at least seventy (70) percent on a written examination covering the classroom training. Examinations will be administered by the Commission on a schedule published at least thirty (30) days prior to testing date. Any applicant who fails the written examination the first time may retake the examination at any subsequent testing session. Any applicant who fails the third or any subsequent examination must repeat the classroom training, but shall not be required to repeat the on the job experience before retaking the written examination. An examination fee of ten (10) dollars shall be required of the Licensee each time an employee takes the written examination.

5. Payment by the Licensee of a registration fee of ten (10) dollars to the Secretary within ninety (90) days of notification of passing the examination(s), otherwise reexamination will be required.

6. Issuance of an employee registration card by the Secretary. While waiting for the issuance of the registration card, an applicant may act as a registered employee for a period not to exceed 15 business days after notification of a passing grade by the Secretary and after payment of the registration fee by the Licensee until the registration card is received. In the event that a registration card is lost, a duplicate card may be issued by the Secretary for a ten (10) dollar fee.

7. Issuance of a new card by the Secretary for an employee who is employed by a new firm but who has previously satisfied the classroom training, on the job experience and other requirements for initial registration and is currently registered as an employee with another licensee. Fee for issuance of such a registration card will be ten (10) dollars.

8. All employee registrations shall expire on June 30 of each odd numbered year unless the registered employee has earned the hours of re-certification training per category approved by the Commission prior to March 1 of each numbered year. The registration of any employee who becomes registered after October 1 of any even numbered year shall be eligible for renewal for the succeeding two year period without earning the required re-certification hours. The Licensee shall pay the renewal fee of ten (10) dollars to the Secretary by June 30 for any employee who has earned the hours of approved training required, or who is otherwise eligible for renewal. Any renewal fee paid July 1 through September 30 shall be twenty (20) dollars. Any employee who fails to renew registration before October 1 must complete all requirements for initial registration before being registered again. The hours of Commission approved training required for re-registration for each two year period shall be:

  • Household Pest Control- 8 Hours
  • Wood Destroying Organisms- 8 Hours
  • Fumigation- 3 Hours

Computer based training shall be limited to no more than 4 hours for Household Pest Control, 4 hours for Wood Destroying Organisms, and 1 hour for Fumigation.

9. The Licensee shall notify the Secretary of employees involved in the solicitation or performance of pest control work who fail to become registered within 30 days of employment.