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The Universal service ticket may be used for residential, commercial, or school applications. It lists the 5 post-precautionary statements approved by the Commission as well as the specific areas, also approved.

However, we want to make it clear that the “front” of the ticket is GPCA’s design and has not been approved by the Commission. It is a compilation of service tickets from many companies and hopefully will help the industry satisfy company, customer, and regulatory standards.

 Last revision 08/2015.

GPCA is offering the two-part service ticket with the following:

¨ Price includes Company information—up to 4 lines. Additional information may be added for an extra fee of $25

¨ No logo insert is available

¨ The tickets is 8 1/2 x 11, NCR paper, perforated in sets of two

¨ Price does not include tax and shipping. This depends on the quantity ordered and the shipping location.

Non-Member Price: $303.50
Member Price: $278.50